Mahinepua Radar Hill Landcare Group
Welcomes You
Land + Care = Kiwi
This incorporated society runs the Mahinepua Mainland Island Project which aims to control pests and support a growing population of Brown Kiwi on private and public land in beautiful Northland, New Zealand.
News & Events

Our Work
Pest and predator species specifically targeted include stoats, weasels, ferrets, possums, cats, and rats, and the group also tries to control pigs, goats, and dogs. The project area covers about 1500 hectares of private properties and 236 hectares of Crown estate…
Learn more about some of our current and on-going projects…
Kiwi Monitoring
Kiwi census
Rat knock-down
Kiwi Aversion Training School
Bush Regeneration / Tree Recovery

Get Involved!
While membership in the project is voluntary, most of the local landowners have joined and membership continues to rise as word of its successes spread and the results of its predator control work become more apparent.
Go ahead and get in touch with our secretary who will guide you through the simple process.
HIGHLY COMMENDED ! For environmental action in the community and to protect native life