Lyndon Hurst is employed as the trapper for Mahinepua Radar Hill Landcare Group. He oversees pest management across the group’s designated impact area and also supports landowners within the surrounding ‘buffer zone’ with their trapping efforts. Trapping reports are presented to every committee meeting and show a significant, successful impact or this work.
Trapping reports:
MRHLG Designated Impact Area:
- Tauranga Valley Scenic Reserve 1
- Tauranga Valley Scenic Reserve 2
- Radar Hill – core area
- Marble Bay, Ōrua Bay
- Whangaihe Bay (pine plantation and airstrip)
- Mahinepua Bay and Rapiki Bay
- 2G2 and shareholder Iwi lands (Hikuwai Block)
- Mahinepua Peninsula Scenic Reserve
- Ōtengi Block
- Deer Farm
- Private land
- Tauranga Bay subdivision, east of Tauranga Bay stream
- Pūmanawa Farms Ltd